• sales@sattvicitsolutions.com
  • +91-9868404417, 8076538264
  • +91-8076538264
Bronze Silver Gold
SMO Packages $325/Mo $525/Mo $899/Mo
Manage Channel 2 Plateforms 3 Plateforms 5 Plateforms
Ananlysis Business Goals check check check
Account Management 2 Plateforms 3 Plateforms 5 Plateforms
Analyze Customers check check check
Setup Social Media Calendar check check check
Setup Content Strategy check check check
Indentify Hashtags check check check
Account Setup check check check
Profile Content Writing check check check
Profile Optimization check check check
Banner Optimization 1 1 1
Creative Image 10 12 15
FB Timeline Status Posting 10 15 20
Post Sharing in Groups 4 6 8
Group Creation remove check check
Group Analysis & Join remove check check
Page Likes* 8% 10% 12%
Video Sharing* remove check check
Add Call to Action Button check check check
Event Page Setup remove check check
Review Posting remove check check
Polls Creation & Management remove check check
Insight Monitoring remove check check
Spam Post Manage check check check
Content Promote check check check
GIF Images remove check check
Traffic Monitoring check check check
Facebook Ads* check check check
Account Setup check check check
Profile Optimization check check check
Profile Content Writing check check check
Banner Optimization check check check
Background Image  check check check
Tweets Posting 10 15 20
Lists Creation remove remove check
Sponsored Tweets* check check check
#Hashtags Trend Analysis remove check check
Twitter Analytics Monitoring check check check
Account Setup check check check
Banner Optimization check check check
Image Sharing 10 12 15
Followers Increase check check check
#Hashtags Trend Analysis remove check check
Video Sharing* check check check
Comments Manage check check check
Image Tagging to Followers check check check
GIF Images remove check check
Instagram Analytics Monitoring check check check
Account Setup check check check
Company Page Setup check check check
Banner Optimization check check check
Profile Content Writing check check check
Post Sharing 8 12 16
Page Followers Increase check check check
Profile Connection Build Up remove remove check
Group Joining remove check check
Post Sharing in Groups remove check check
Performance Analysis check check check
LinkeDin Pulse Posting remove check check
Channel Optimization check check check
Creative Upload remove check check
Video Uploads* 5 10 15
Video Promotion 5 10 15
Title & Meta Optimization remove check check
Thumbnail Creative for Videos remove remove check
YouTube Subscribers check check check
Discussion Posting 10 20 30
Video Views check check check
Comment Manage remove check check
Profile Optimization check check check
Board Creation 6 8 10
Pins Posted 15 20 25
Followers  check check check
Site Verification remove check check
Business Account check check check
Email, Chat, Phone check check check
Dedicated Internet Marketer check check check
Project Management Tool Tracking check check check
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